Month: August 2004

  • Ahhh imitation. The art from whence all other arts are formed.  It
    is true that I am nothing but a copy. And in all the things I have done
    in the past and the present they are simply copies.  Even this
    that I write now is an act of copying. Starting a blog, a copy.

    Why? It is a way to grow. Find a new thing here. Copy it. Discover a
    new thing. Use it.  Look upon a new visage.  Grasp it.
    Incorporate. Build from the small pieces of the others a new thing as
    great or greater than each part taken individually.

    If there was not copying not only would not I be, but would not you be, nor anyone, nor anything be.

    And yet still we ask and wonder “Should I copy?”, “Is that fair?”,
    “Will people think it strange that I choose to copy?”, “Will they find
    it weird that I am duplicating them?”,  “Do I owe them something
    for that of theirs that I chose to copy?”, “Am I capable of creating
    anything on my own that is not a copy?”,  “Is that is part a copy
    of mine really mine?”

    Am I nothing but a copy?


    So what?