Month: January 2005

  • We call it cold but it is nothing of the sort. Flames burn within, frying through resources and energy, making me weak, empty.

    The body reacts pragmatically but not pleasantly. It closes doors,
    blocks off passageways to starve the fire of oxygen. It then demands
    that I consume liquids in large quantities to put out the flames. I
    know not why chicken soup seems to be particularly useful for this
    purpose, but the body demands it and I in my weakened state can do
    naught but acquiesce. And soon I must also submit to the body’s
    ultimate solution. Sleep.

    It is strange that we must suffer these things. Are they blessings or
    curses? Momentary slow downs in the regular course of events. Like the
    world forcing you to take a break whether you want to or not.  It
    doesn’t feel like a break. Internally you are fighting to put out an
    inferno. But externally, you are facing none of the painful challenges
    that plague your daily life. The mind is almost fully inactive. All you
    do is react to the calls of the body. Eat. Drink. Sleep. Your entire
    world is reduced to naught but these minor acts. Nothing else seems to

    And then it is over. Life resumes yet again.

  • Spirit in Time

    The silver staff strikes upon the black empty, with each strike light
    leaps up into the air in a circular radius, like sparks flying from a
    fire. The bearer of the staff walks along side where his feet fall the
    shadows remain undisturbed and the light falling from the staff falls
    flow around him.

    The staff forges the path, and with each strike months falls away,
    years rescind, and the present gets left behind.  The past looms
    before him, all the empty nothing of times that will never come again.

    When the staff judges that the distance is far enough, he stops. The
    staff is raised and a brilliant light spreads forth large and bright in
    one big burst. For a split second there is no darkness at all, the land
    is all molten glowing silver, but then the staff recalls its light.
    Sucked back within the plain silver wood, the staff is once against
    just a staff, barely visible in the overwhelming darkness.

    Barely visible? Before the darkness was so deep that nothing could be
    seen within it, but no longer. Now we see small glowing lights. The
    light of souls in motion swarming about. These are the shadows that
    remain, the afterimages of times gone past. They are like pyreflies
    darting out here and there oblivious to the fact that they are no more.

    The staff bearer reaches out one hand and calls out a word in a tongue
    long forgotten. A true name he speaks. One its owner does not even
    know. Out of the darkness one of the light flies rushes to the hand and
    is cradeled there. The bearer closes his eyes for a moment and senses
    its substance. He does this for a few moments then let’s go and calls
    forth another. For many long hours he does this, calling each light by
    name so that he might learn of their nature.

    Finally he finishes, exhausted but far from done. He stops for a moment to rest and contemplate all that he has learned.

    This, he judged was the time of striving. Here there were dreams and
    wishes, wants and needs. So much confidence and not a small amount of
    false bravado too. There was haunting uncertainties too, disturbing
    thoughts and distressed fears. What am I? Who am I? What can I be? What
    should I be? All things were possible for these lights, suicide and
    success equally likely to stand just beyond the next horizon. There is
    so much joy. The laughter is wild and reckless with a tinge of madness.
    Projects are attacked with passion and determination, the greatness of
    the goals driving the seekers to surpass their potential.  There
    was a beauty in all this, a chaotic light of hope that one might want
    to see spread and grow forever and always. But like all fires, it can
    only last for as long as their is enough fuel to burn.

    But there was so much more to see. He smiles sadly and strikes his
    silver staff yet again upon the ground.  In an instance his
    perspective changes. Now the lights are all around him swarming
    randomly fully oblivious to his presence. He walks and the lights stay
    with him now moving through time with him as he walks back a little

    Suddenly the lights scatter, the staff roots itself in the ground. Here
    is the barrier.  The staff bearer reaches out with a hand and
    feels a wall of darkness impassable. The lights that had traveled with
    him now form a kind of screen before the barrier unmoving like they are
    frozen in an instant of time.

    The staff reacts again, light flashes and projects over the small
    lights flowing through them and then images begin to appear on the
    black screen, images of times further back. Eras that defined these
    souls before they came unto themselves. 

    The staff wielder examines the sites but can make no sense of them. For
    some there are beautiful pictures, images of happy times that tell of
    beautiful tails. For others there are dark pictures of dreary days.
    Deep stories are told in these images but there are patches of
    blackness where the souls dare not look. For many others there are
    darkness and lights, complex stories of good and ill that define how
    the present beings burn and glow.

    Still for the vast majority the images drawn are not so clear. There
    are blurry spreads of light and colors showing nothing but base
    emotions, fears, joys, and uncertainties. Here are stories never told
    and never fully realized. Here are pasts half forgotten and half
    ignored and mostly just seen as nothing special by those forged by them.

    For a few, a very small few there  is nothing but darkness
    projected from. A black barrier through which they dare not look. The
    past is for them unfaceable. The darkness is too great. They block it
    and ignore it. Only light outlines can be seen in those shadows, the
    stuff that nightmares are made of.

    The silver staff’s ligh recedes. He sighs. The deep past holds no more
    revelations than ever before. The chaos born from a distorted
    unity-less tradition-less reality  cannot be easily mended. 
    He turns.

    Once again the lights swarm about him and he walks forward. This time,
    the days and months come forth gathering about his feet carrying
    forward toward the present.

    As time passes ever onward the lights stay with him. Then they scatter
    spreading about a few months latter they gather again. Months beyond
    another scattering. Then another gathering. A third time and the wizard
    walks on.

    Finally the lights scatter one last time, and this time they keep
    scattering spreading through the dark world growing brighter as they go
    coming closer to their true selves. 

    The staff takes him forward ever closer to the present. Finally it
    stops him, at the very edge of reality, the moment before the 
    perceived moment.  Now he stands within a small pool of darkness
    with a pulsing silver light in the center where the staff’s energy
    preserves the artificial stasis.  Around the dark pool lies the
    images of the real world, in black and white, still not quite real.

    Yet again the bearer calls forth one name at a time and this time the
    small spirit lights pop into the darkness like pushing their way into a
    bubble of unreality. They are again cradeled in the hand of the
    sorcerer who speaks soft words over them and senses their spirit and
    then lets them go back out to rejoin the present.

    When it is done the wizard falls to a sitting position the staff still
    stands beside him unheld maintaining the circle of timelessness. The
    bearer is tired now yes, but more overwhelmed by all that he has seen.
    He cups his face in his hands and catches his breathe letting his
    thoughts order themselves.

    After a time things began clear. This was the era of reason he observed
    but any who think that reason is a simple and stable thing do not know
    reason. The lights were in some ways deeper now. Greater now. Their
    lights now hid complexities that cannot be understood in any simple
    terms.  All that was there before was there before but now it is
    controlled. Now the mind is triumphant over the passions. The spirit…
    no not suppressed… more like transcended the recklessness of youth.
    It still pulsed, it was still bright, but it no longer burned. Now they
    were burning coals not raging infernos their wants and needs carefully
    controlled. Their paths for deterministically set. Their hearts better
    known to them and their choices clearer.  Decisions that might
    have been put off in the past were now made. Challenges that seemed
    like they could be put off were now saught immediately.  These
    were people forging a future as best they could, realities having made
    it now clear to them that mindless wandering is not rational and does
    not lead to any contentment.

    But it isn’t that simple either. These people were not drawn to this
    life by such realization. They do not abandon their past. They surpass
    it. The truth realized through growth and thought.

    There is great saddness and regret in many of them. Some yearn for the
    glory years. But there is great joy here in them too. In many ways it
    is a more real joy born of a deeper wisdom.  There is the peaceful
    certainty that the world is neither so bad nor so good as it once
    seemed. There is just a rightness to simply living. Being. Knowing.

    But it is NOT right.  The staff bearer climbs to his feet and
    grasps his staff once again, determination now sets into his
    features.  He calls forth the staffs power yet again this time
    blazing a path to pierce the veil into the unknown future to perceive
    whether his suspicions are correct. 

    And they are here there is the glowing plain of light spreading forth
    through all possibilities from the present. Each light is constantly
    happy upwards sloping and growing. But the growth is linear. The angle
    not so steep. There were a few dips here and there were dark times were
    come, eras of renewed uncertainties, eras of fear for others, disasters
    unbidden, but the constant growth of happiness was steady for the most

    Constant. Linear. It wasn’t quite right. The growth was all wrong. What
    seemed stable was actually as fragile as glass. If your growth is so
    small, any real disturbance that shatters your world view would cast
    you so far back into darkness that you might not be able to crawl out
    again. But even if you could and even if you would be better for it,
    the world would still not be quite right. Something was lost, a talent
    from the past abandoned in the present. Has the soul forgotten its true

    The staff and staff bearer began to grow, his spirit spreading out
    larger his sight spreading until soon  he could perceive all the
    times in one view. There he saw the lights now as glowing silver lines
    extended from the dark bearier all the way into the future. 

    He began the follow these lines, threading the strands of fate through
    his fingers probing them feeling how the paths flowed forming a
    constant story of life.

    As his hands felt along them in many he found the cause of his despair.
    There were places you see, where the lights threads were thined, or
    broken. Moments of times past where parts of the soul’s wisdom were
    abandoned. Lost. Here a decision not to strive for this. Here a choice
    that that was not worth seeking. Somewhere else a choice that this
    would be good enough or that that other thing just doesn’t matter at
    all. Absolute decisions. Decisions to bind the soul with ribbons of
    steal.  And thus the fires of the time of striving were let to die
    down without realizing their true potential in order to create an
    environment where reason could take root.

    And then the true reason became clear. During the time of stirivng
    there was a  glow of unity. That kind of connection that can only
    be wrought forth when many of like mind are brought together under a
    similar vision of the world.  That unity was shattered in an
    instant but the pieces of it carried onward being brought into the
    whole of the present but not intact.  And thus reason found itself
    restricted unable to perceive all possible paths because it could not
    draw from a collective community of souls.

    The staff bearer could not fix it. He could not build back light into
    the souls of the present. He could not mend wounds and build bridges.
    He could not change people in the present to whom they would be had
    they brought forth all of their past with them and bring to them in
    this way an even greater joy. One that can grow exponentially
    throughout all eternity.

    But  he could do something.  He picked forth one light at a
    time and started creating lassos of golden light. He forged these out
    of magic and memory. He added love and hope and threw in a little bit
    of fear and pain for nothing of substance can be born without these.

    These lassos he connected to the lights and tossed forth from them back
    through the eras to encircle the collections of light of the time of
    striving. A thousand such lassos he created. Lifelines to the past.
    Strings of memories that could grasp the good of the past and bring it
    into the present to create a greater good.

    Finally complete the wizard spoke a word. The staff transported him
    back to his isolated thrown beyond the ends of time. There he sat
    heavily, the staff fell into his lap. His job was done. He could do no

    Would this that he had done enable the spirits of these worlds to bring
    themselves to a greater reason? Or would they not notice? Would they
    accept good enough and forget about demanding the greater still? Would
    they always be filled with regret of the days long gone?

    The lasso’s would not work on their own. There was only one way to
    bring back good that is gone. You cannot wish it to be. You cannot
    hope. You cannot wait for it to come. There is only one way. Through
    force of will.

    It won’t be the same. It shouldn’t be either though they might not
    realize it. They may abandon it for fear of the unfamiliarity. This
    will be something new. Greater and better. Building the past into the
    future, not a mere shadow of things begone. But they must will for it.
    They must pull forth on the lassos and yank the past forward into the
    present. Pull it against its will to a time where it seems out of place
    where it is lost and seems almost wrong as a result. And then it must
    be changed and incorporated, made to fit with the reason of the present
    to serve as fuel for the glory of the future. They must will this. They
    must seek it. Or the past will be lost, and though great good can come,
    it will ever be limited in scale by the shadows of the past.

    Will they have the will, the sorcerer wondered? “I never did”, he
    thought. But they are different. Already they see beyond the substance
    of their being. Already they embrace reason. All they need to do is
    open their minds… just a little bit more.  

    He could not help them, but he could sit and watch them grow and hope for them the best that they can have.