Month: October 2005

  • Now some people think that those who are upset should admit that they
    are upset, talk about what is bothering them and generally not pretend
    that there is nothing wrong. Now perhaps that is the best course for
    some people, those who struggle to hold back fear and anger and chaos
    of incomprehension. Those who are distraught and have to strive to be
    and act normal are probably doing themselves some harm by pretending
    that there is nothing wrong.

    I am not one of those people though. Rather, it seems to me that acting
    like nothing is wrong is quite easy. Often the tears and shouting and
    devastated appearences those seem like an act to me. The need to
    confide in people, to share the pain, to commiserate, to let everyone
    know why you are acting contrary to your normal behavior that seems
    pretty odd to me as well. Rather, to act normally seems… well normal
    to me. To just go about your business as if nothing is wrong seems
    natural to me. Sorrow is for the moments of solitutde when we deeply
    contemplate the events that have transpired and think seriously about
    the consequences and the inevitable future. Sorow is NOT an external
    badge to wear on your shoulder so that everyone will know and treat you
    differently. It isn’t for me at least. 

    Honestly I think a lot of people “tell” people what is bothering them
    not because they want others to know but because they are afraid that
    others will think that their sadness or fear is just a lie, just a
    pretense, just an act. But why would you have any such fear unless you
    either know that the people you will tell will be inclined to think
    that you are lying or pretending or because there is indeed an element
    of a lie in your behavior. Perhaps deep down we know that which we
    think is natural is actually only just learned behavioral norms and yet
    we still fear being called out for them almost as much as we fear not
    demonstrating them and making people think we’re somehow less human for
    our lack of ‘proper’ reaction…. Its one of those things where people
    err on the side of overreaction rather than experience the stigma
    associated with lack of reaction. We associate most serial killers and
    tyrants, abusers and criminals with being entities who ‘lack’ emotional
    response. No wonder nobody wants to be seen as even having a naturally
    subdued response when they’d be in such company…

    I also don’t understand pre-reactions. Often a negative is not so
    negative or a lot worse when it is all said and done. I don’t see the
    point or much point in bemoaning something until you know all of the
    consequences, until you know exactly how bad it is even if all possible
    outcomes are bad. No point in getting worked up over something that
    could be the end of the world if it only ends up being just the end of
    your wealth or a permanent and wearing inconvenience.  Every
    negative outcome will produce a negative reaction in you. You will be
    afraid and sad and even devastates no matter which outcome comes to
    pass, but if you let your fear and sadness overcome you earlier than
    when you have certain knowledge (or at least as certain as knowledge
    can ever be) of what will come to pass then you will experience the
    fear and sadness of all possible negative outcomes added to the fear of
    not knowing what the outcomes added to the fear of negative outcomes
    that were never really possibilities but which you made possibilities
    in your mind for not knowing. Or worse you’ll feel relief thinking that
    only the best option is possible only to lull yourself into a false
    sense of security so that when the truth is known the devastation is
    that much the greater. Better to experience and then react and deal
    with only that which is KNOWN. Don’t  ever waste a few days that
    could be happy with irrational confidence, worry, or fear.

    All things must be as they must. All things.

  • Every once in a while you have one of those days where it really comes
    home to you how utterly trivial a vast majority of the things you’ve
    been worrying about or caring about over the last few years really