Month: January 2008

  • Tragic Destiny vs Dark Past

    I’ve noticed that a great many stories can be broken down into types:

    1. stories that focus on a character with a Tragic Destiny
    2. stories that focus on a character with a Dark Past

    Tragic Destiny stories are all about how the pivotal character copes with knowledge or suspicion of their inevitable fate. Usually the character yearns to live a normal life and avoid their fate, but ultimately has to face it.

    Dark Past stories are all about how the key character’s dark past comes to haunt them and how they are struggling to suppress it or keep it at bay, only to find, usually, that they have no choice but to confront it.

    Some Tragic Destiny stories include Slayers, Scrapped Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lunar: Silver Star Story, Pan’s Labyrinthe, The Wizard of Oz

    Some Dark Past stories include Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, Angel, Trigun, Blade, Hellboy, Highlander, Naruto, Beauty & The Beast, Fullmetal Alchemst, Gargoyles, Batman, 24, Starwars

    I generated this list off the top of my head. There are many more.

    In some stories certain characters are Dark Past characters whereas others are Tragic Destiny character. For example, in X-Men, Jean Gray and Rogue are both Tragic Destiny characters whereas Wolverine is a Dark Past character. In Final Fantasy X, Auron is a Dark Past character whereas Yuna is a Tragic Destiny character.

    Have you noticed something funny about these lists?  


    -  Tragic Destiny characters are more likely to be female.  Dark Past characters are more likely to be male.

    This especially seems to hold for newer works. Really old works didn’t have a lot of female characters but even then I wonder if the more effeminate characters would be more likely to be cast as the tragic destiny characters.

    Anyway, that’s just a random thought I had.

    Is it true?  What do you think?

  • ourselves…

    Ever get this feeling like you’ve put too much of yourself into something too quickly?

    One usually starts to realize it when something trivial happens, a minor variance in expectations and then all of a sudden you notice that it effected you a great deal. It effected you much more than it ought to have. You’re unsettled. Why are you unsettled? You know objectively that there’s no reason to be. And yet you are.

    So with the realization of this, you try and laugh at yourself. “I’m being so silly” you think. “This thing doesn’t matter at all.”  But then you can’t laugh. You’ve already invested too much. And you just don’t think it’s funny, the effect it is having on you.

    What can you do then?  Nothing really. Take deep breathes. Try and relax. Keep reminding yourself that it is a small thing and that there is no reason for it to upset you so. And try to slow down.

  • Pointed Questions

    I keep having these dreams. They are so strange.  Do they really count as dreams? There are no images. No places. Just dialog. Just language.

    In them people I know, friends and family  mostly keep asking me these pointed questions. They ask them on the phone or via IM. Never in person. The questions are very personal. About how I’ve lead my life. About my feelings. About my ambitions. About my experiences.  Sometimes it’s the same questions over and over again. Sometimes it’s the same people asking them. Other times it’s entirely different people asking the same questions.

    And the funny thing is, I feel completely comfortable answering these questions in the dream. In fact, I feel sort of relieved. And I answer them carefully and in depth so that there are no misunderstandings between me and whoever is asking. I’m not nervous. I don’t hesitate. Even when I fear what I am saying might offend.

    But the answers change too Sometimes right in the middle of the dream.I’ll give one answer. Then the person will ask me again. And I’ll give a different answer. It’s always the same basic concept I’m trying to get across each time, but I say it in an entirely different way. I’ll stress different aspects of the response.

    I wonder what it means.

  • “Your overconfidence is your weakness. Your faith in your friends is yours.”

    Funny how both statements are kinda saying the same thing.

    Someone told me a few days ago that I “overestimate”.   Just yesterday someone told me that I’m “too quick to praise.”

    So am I Luke or am I the Emperor?

    I wonder….

    These days I think that others are just too cautious and too careful and too pessimistic. I’ve come to believe that thinking highly of others can only be a good thing. Why? It’s a logical thing.

    Either A. my high opinion is correct  or B. my high opinion is incorrect.
    If A. obviously no harm no foul right? Maybe telling someone the truth will make them feel better about themselves. And I feel good about myself too for having held on to a true belief.

    If B, well I only really hurt myself right? I end up being the one disappointed. But I still can make the person feel better about themselves through sharing my possibly deluded belief. Moreover, in my observation people can change and are more likely to change when they are positively motivated. Hence, my false high opinion may well become a true high opinion because I held it.

    Am I wrong?

    But if that’s the case I like being wrong. Overconfidence can be our strength. Our faith in our friends can be the source of our power. By holding these beliefs we can push a little toward creating the reality that we want to exist. It’s a not a lie exactly. It’s faith.

    I’m actually pretty damn quick to criticize too. Nobody seems to mention that part to me. I wonder why? I don’t usually hesitate to tell people when I think they are screwing up. I just tend to also want to tell people the good things about them too. Sometimes in the very same sentence. Something like “You’re a genius, but that was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do.”  That kind of a sentence.

    I guess I just want to see the good in people and believe in it. And so I open my eyes and I see it.  I could be wrong. But I’m pretty sure I almost never am. There’s bad too. Too much bad. No point in hiding from that. But we can still retain our confidence and faith in spite of those truths. And that makes us stronger.  I believe that.

    Actually I didn’t use to think like this. I didn’t think so highly of others. I learned it. I learned it during college.

  • Not Scrabulous Too!

    As more evidence that intellectual property laws kill kittens and steals candy from babies, Hasbro has decided to try and shutdown Scrabulous! linky

    Scrabulous is the scrabble variant most played on facebook. It’s one of the most popular applications around. Everybody loves it.

    And that’s just it isn’t it? Has there ever been a case where this idea of “intellectual property” has been invoked that has actually been to the benefit of any of us regular people? I’m wracking my brain for an example but I just can’t think of any. It always seems to be used to help the rich and the powerful just get richer and more powerful!

    I know that originally copyright and patent laws did exist to protect the interests of the little guys trying to make it big. They just don’t work that way anymore. Now they just give the big conglomerate companies a big stick they can use to beat all competition into the submission before it ever has a chance to challenge them. All the while sucking the joy out of life from all us individuals who just want to enjoy our internet experience.

    The only people who benefited from the destruction of Napster work at Apple.

    Youtube only persists because it is under the protection of big bad Google which is considered “one of us” by the corporate elites.

    It’s all so pointless. We need a rich and vibrant commons. We need more things open sourced and public domained. We need to be able to create and explore without having to worry that every little thing we do will be shutdown by Big Brother and the IP Terror Squads.

    I know I’m just ranting but man I hate this. Everybody who has a facebook account go and join the SAVE SCRABULOUS group right now!

    I swear on my grandmother’s grave that if Scrabulous disappears from facebook because of this, I will never buy another Magic Card, another D&D Book, or another Hasbro or affiliate board game or action figure set again. I will not in any way knowingly spend one red penny of my money on anything remotely Hasbro related. And I will encourage everyone I know to do the same.

    And to be honest I don’t even like scrabble that much…

    edit: added relevant links

  • Cross Posted Comment Discussions SUCK!

    I post a blog entry. Somebody responds.  Now, generally, if I want to
    respond to their comment I have to post a comment on the top post of
    their blog. A blog entry which 9 times out of 10 has nothing to do with the topic
    we are discussing. And then if they want to respond to that they’ll
    generally post a message back on my blog, again on the top post. Which
    might be different now and might have even less to do with the subject
    we are discussing.

    This is stupid. This system doesn’t make any sense.

    And if you don’t want to do it this way, your options are:
    1. Use the “message” system which means your discussion becomes totally private.
    2. Just post the responses in your own blog. Which means you have to
    hope the person you are talking to happens by again or they may never
    know you responded to what they said.

    This is all just silly.

    Why doesn’t xanga have a fully or even partially threaded comment system?

    I don’t know how the systems are designed at Xanga. I’m not criticizing
    xanga if there are architectural issues that make it difficult to
    safely implement such a system. I can understand that. But in some ways
    it just feels so very backwards to me. Almost every forum on the
    internet has a threaded commenting system. Lacking that makes the xanga
    comment system feel more limited than youtube‘s
    message system. And youtube’s forums well… I think the statement “you
    will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy” pretty aptly
    describes it.  Xanga can do better.

    But if xanga is staying with a single threaded comment system because
    people prefer it for some reason I’m going to try to dissuade you of
    that misconception right now.

    You may think that cross-posting comments helps you get a more rapid
    response to your comment because of Xanga’s built in notification of
    new posts to your blog. 

    But most good threaded comments system allow for you to receive emails
    whenever *anyone* responds to your comment right there in your thread!

    It would also be reasonably possible that on your dashboard xanga could
    allow a tab or section for tracking your comments. You could then have
    a one stop shop to browse all your ongoing discussions with the xanga
    community. How cool would that be?

    You may think that cross-posting comments builds community by letting
    you sort of cross-advertise each other’s blogs. That is my comment on
    your blog brings attention to your blog and your comment on mine brings
    attention to mine. Plus it encourages us to read each other’s blogs.

    And there’s some logic to that argument.

    But there are better ways to accomplish the exact same thing.

    For example, it would be very cool if you had a comment showcasing module
    that you could put right on your xanga wherever you want. Then anyone
    who happens across your sight can not only read what you are writing in
    your blog, they can also read and explore what you’re commenting on
    other people’s blogs. That way you can use your comments to enhance
    your blogging experience if you choose. It can be a form of self
    expression just like blogging itself.

    Another good idea would be to have a way to rate or favorite or star or
    otherwise evaluate other people’s comments built right into the system.
    So you could star a particularly good comment to your blog. You can
    showcase it somehow. That way when someone comes along and places a
    comment on your blog and you want to give them kudos for a job well
    done and return the favor by bringing attention to their blog, you give
    them a high rating, that comment bubbles to the top or becomes more
    prominent, and other visitors probably follow that comment back to the
    commenter’s site and interact with them.

    This later idea also helps if one fears that threaded comments will
    lead to increased spam. Because the blogger who wrote the initial
    comment becomes his or her own moderator of his or her own blog by
    being able to rate the comments that appear there.

    These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg.  There are all kinds of
    things xanga could try and consider. And they would all enhance the
    community feel of xanga. Whereas the current system actually detracts
    from the community aspect in a lot of ways. Since outsiders can’t
    follow other people’s discussions very easily. And n00bs are inevitably
    just confused about what the heck is going on until they see enough
    other people “cross-posting” and get the gist of it.

    But first they have to make the comments threaded. If it is at all possible. This is really important.  And it’s long overdue.


    Much of what I have to say below applies equally to xanga minis as it does to facebook gifts.

    friends of mine and I were discussing the other day the phenomenon of
    facebook gifts and all similar facebook applications over dinner. We
    talked about how impressive it was that facebook is able to make so
    much profit from selling tiny little images to people. It’s
    counterintuitive at first. You wouldn’t think this kinda thing would
    really work. But it does. It works very well.

    In the words of
    one of my friends (paraphrasing) “So many facebook applications just
    provide people with ways to say ‘Hi’ to each other over and over again.”

    he’s right of course. That’s what the gifts are too. But when you think
    about it that way it isn’t really surprising at all that gifting
    applications are so popular. In a way a gift is just a mechanism to
    convey a symbolic message to someone. It’s that way in the real world
    as well as in the virtual world. And that message might well be and
    usually is just something like “Hi!”. And it could also be something
    different like “I like you”  or “I want to be closer to you” or “I
    appreciate you” or “I love you” or “I miss you” or “Thanks”. 

    most gifts in the real world are as much or more about the symbolic
    message they convey than their functional value. I mean what functional
    value do cut flowers really have? They look nice, but they die almost
    immediately. So if it were all about the functionality what would the
    point be? Similarly for stuffed animals. And jewelry. And even
    clothing, although it has a very basic function, the value of it does
    not depend on the functionality. Often the uglier clothes that nobody
    wants may be more functionally effective at providing comfort or
    warding off cold than the nicest of clothes.  And don’t get me started
    on the greeting card industry.

    No. A pixilated gift is pretty
    much the same as a real life gift only it’s just a heck of a lot
    cheaper to send. But you can convey the exact same messages through
    such a gift. “I like you”. “I appreciate you.”, “Hi!” etc.  And since
    it’s easier you are more likely to do it. 

    But what’s hard to
    do in the online world is send different kinds of messages. You can’t
    say “I hate your guts!” or “I really don’t want to know you”  or “I
    wish you were dead!”.  Well you can do that last by sending someone a
    poisoned apple but generally it’s more difficult to send more
    interesting or unique messages through the existing facebook gifting
    applications. And very difficult to send a more diabolical message.

    Set that aside for a moment.

    the gifting applications you try to mimic the real world. Facebook
    tries to make the application’s objects as similar to real life objects
    as possible. They try to make it as similar in style and feel as buying
    someone a real life gift. Even the gift scarcity is a mechanism to make
    it feel more like the gifts are something real and tangible that you
    are giving away. So in a sense people are bringing their real lives
    into facebook and putting it online for everybody to see. But there’s
    another thing you can do in virtual worlds. Rather than mimicking the
    real world you can go beyond it. You can do things online that you
    can’t do in real life or that are too dangerous or disruptive to do. 
    Anyone who has ever played a video game where they can go around
    beating up on the cops or shoot down aliens using super powered laser
    rifles knows this. You can role play online.  You can be more or less
    than you are in the real world or just different than you are in the
    real world. You can break the rules. You can be… dare I say it…

    One of my friends gave me this idea during that
    conversation so all credit goes to him, I just developed it some more.
    He mentioned in passing that you should totally be able to Re-Gift in
    facebook. And I agreed. That’s be cool. It’d be a little evil though.
    And from that seed was this idea born.

    There should be an EVIL GIFTING application on facebook.

    Here’s how it would work.

    The basic mechanics would be the same as a normal gifting application.

    would be like free gifts in that the gifts are free. That’s just my
    personal preference really since I don’t believe in paying for this
    stuff. The application would work just the same if you made people pay
    $1.00 for each gift.  But the latter is a lot harder to implement, plus
    it would impede early adoption of the application I think. So better at
    first at least to make the gifts free. Another alternative would be to
    give each user an allowance of sorts of virtual money every day or
    every week that they can use to buy gifts or save up in order to buy
    more expensive gifts.

    Each gift would be a tiny image like
    usual. And like facebook gifts each gift has a limited supply and can
    ‘run out’.  You buy a gift. You give it to one of your friends. You can
    add a caption if you want. All like normal. Except no private gifts. 
    Well at least not at first. Private gifts add problems to this system
    that I’d rather not deal with at first.

    It’s very important that
    the gifts themselves be well drawn and interesting just like a normal
    gifting application. In fact this application should be able to
    potentially replace your existing gifting applications if you want it
    to. It should be functionally as effective as any other gifting
    application for the simple purpose of giving pleasant messages like

    New gifts come out periodically. You have gifts that have
    some correspondence to the events of the day, such as holiday gifts
    that are released around the holidays or gifts pertaining to current
    events in the news and so on. And you can have sponsored gifts too that
    are advertisements for particular companies if they so choose.

    basically all that’s normal. Here’s where it starts getting fun. Rather
    than just being a gifting application it will also be a kind of game. A
    game in which gift ownership is not static, and gifter behavior is not
    always benevolent. You can be nice as normal sure.  But you can also
    be… EVIL!

    RARITY -   Each gift will have a rarity value. Right
    now I’m thinking 5 levels but maybe more or less would be appropriate.
    The levels would be:  common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and unique. 
    Rarity obviously determines how many of the gift are out there for you
    to get and give but also tells you how much of an impact it will have
    on your score. The more rare a gift the cooler it will be too. What do
    I mean by cool? Read on.

    STATS -  Every player who plays this
    game has certain stats that they can display on their profile. These
    are kinda like their score. Again just brainstorming now, but I’m
    thinking the stats would be these:  Stealth, Reputation, Benevolence,
    and Notoriety
    You can choose to try and get high numbers in any or
    all of these stats though some like Benevolence and Notoriety are hard
    to increase at the same time. There will a kind of ranking page where
    you can see how you stand in these stats compared to your friends, your
    networks, and all of facebook.

    ACTIONS -  The following are all
    of the actions you can do in this game/application.  At least all that
    I have come up with right now.

    Buy and Give -  You can buy and
    give a gift as normal.  Increases your benevolence rating and
    reputation depending on gift rarity.

    Buy and Horde – You can buy a gift for yourself. Does not increase any stat.

    - You can take a gift in your possession and give it to someone else.
    If that gift was given to you by someone other than yourself then your
    notoriety increases. Your benevolence increases in either case but less
    than if you give a new gift to someone.

    Personalize -  As a part
    of the gift buying process you can personalize certain gifts. That is,
    you can put a special message on the gift, like for example having
    someone’s name appear within the gif image of a bracelet gift. This way
    it will be all the more deliciously evil when someone re-gifts such
    personal gifts =D.

    Steal – You can attempt to steal a gift in
    someone’s possession. Your stealth rating determines your percentage
    chance of succeeding and/or getting caught.  There are four outcomes:
    1. You fail to steal and are not seen.  No effect on your attributes
    2. You fail to steal and are seen. Your benevolence deceases. Your notoriety increases slightly.
    3. You succeed and are seen.  Your benevolence decreases. Your notoriety increases greatly. Your reputation increases.
    4. You succeed and are not seen. Your notoriety increases greatly.

    -  You can attempt to create a cheap ripoff of any gift and hoist it
    off on your unsuspecting friends.  Again like stealing. You have a
    percentage chance to succeed. And each person who receives a
    counterfeit gift has a chance to detect that it is a fake. Most
    counterfeit gifts also deteriorate over time. Meaning the longer they
    are in circulation the more likely they are to be noticed as fakes and
    eventually they break down and become destroyed.

    Lock Up -  You
    can lock up your gift within special gift items called lock boxes.
    These reduce the likelihood of anyone getting at your gift to do
    nefarious things to it. Also this can send a sort of signal to your
    friends who gave you the gift about how important the gift is to you. 
    You have several levels of locks to choose from.  Basic Lock, Strong
    Lock, and Impenetrable Lock. Rarity is uncommon, rare, and legendary. 
    (It might be a good idea to let every player start off with at least
    one of each lock and be able to acquire more, that way when players do
    get an important sentimental gift they don’t feel as if it is
    hopelessly doomed to be stolen from them)

    Destroy! -  This is my
    favorite. You can smash somebody’s gift and send its tattered remains
    back to that person!   Each gift would have one or more associated
    destruction image that it becomes when you destroy it. So like a gift
    that is an image of a book would when destroyed turn into a pile of
    ashes. Again you only have a percentage chance to succeed in destroying
    gifts though certain gifts could make it easier to destroy other
    gifts.  You can also break into someone’s gift store and rather than
    steal,  destroy THEIR gifts.

    GIFT HISTORY – Every gift has a
    history associated with it of where it has been and who has owned it
    and what has happened to it. So you can amuse yourself by looking
    through your gifts and seeing how many times they ‘ve been regifted,
    counterfeited, attempted to be destroyed, or stolen.

    -  Many gifts have certain attributes that effect how they interact in
    the gift world. For example lock boxes can be associated with a single
    gift and decrease the probability of someone being able to steal it.
    Some gifts would have other attributes like INDESTRUCTIBLE or CANNOT BE
    COUNTERFEITED.  Other gifts give you bonus points to your stats. And
    still others can be used to help you with your actions.  Here are some
    random brainstorming about certain kinds of gifts:

    Steath/Ninja Suit -  Uncommon – increases your stealth
    Lock Picks – Rare -  can unlock any non impenetrable lock without being seen and without damaging the lock
    - Common – can break basic locks but you will always be seen when you
    do this. The lock is destroyed and cannot be reused.
    Flint and Steal – Uncommon – you can use this to burn gifts
    Knife – Common – increases your chance to destroy gifts, especially live gifts
    Crown – Rare – increases your reputation
    Appriaser’s Lense – Rare – guaranteed chance to spot any counterfeit gifts in your possession
    Counterfeit Tools – Uncommon – increases your chance of counterfeiting a gift

    And so on and so forth…

    legendary and unique gifts are sort of like facebook-wide gifting
    events that all players can follow. These gifts have a lot of
    attributes and do a lot of stuff and are very desirable as a result.
    You usually get these through unusual ways. Here are some examples I
    came up with.

    OLYMPIC TORCH -  Legendary -
    Olympic torches
    spawn periodically. (Every four years? Every four months maybe?).  The
    goal of this gift is to touch as many facebook users as possible in as
    short a time as possible. They appear in the store for free and anyone
    can pick it up.  Once you pick it up though you should regift it as
    soon as possible. The sooner you regift it the more your reputation
    increases. If you hold onto it for longer than your notoriety starts to
    increase.  If a torch is held for four hours by the same person than it
    returns to the store to be picked up again and that user loses their
    opportunity for the massive reputation boost they would have had and
    gets a big notoriety increase.  Note if you give the gift to someone
    who has already held the torch you get less reputation points. 
    Facebook wide messages are sent out periodically telling you the status
    of the olympic torch.

    If you destroy the olmypic torch breaking
    the chain than your notoriety will skyrocket to maximum value and a
    notification will go out to all of facebook so that everybody knows you
    did it. Then you have to face the vengeance of the facebook community.
    The olympic torch would be pretty hard to destroy though.

    THE ONE RING – Unique -
    increases your stealth rating.  The longer you hold the one ring the
    more more your notoriety increases and the more your benevolence
    decreases. The one ring is indestructible. The one ring cannot be
    regifted.  The one ring is extremely difficult to counterfeit.

    one ring spawns in a random users possession. The higher your notoriety
    the more likely you are to get the one ring. A message will appear in
    your news feed that says something like “The One Ring has fallen to
    you.” When a user in your circle of friends receives the one ring all
    of your friends get a notification in their news feed saying that they
    feel the presence of  the one ring. You aren’t told exactly which of
    your friends has the one ring. You just know it is nearby.

    your benevolence increases too high or you fail to do things that
    increase your notoriety the one ring will abandon you and jump to
    another user. In addition if long periods of time go by without the one
    ring changing hands it will nevertheless jump to a different user.

    you successfully steal the one ring you get a nice boost to your
    reputation and notoriety. Of course stealing the one ring is very
    difficult to do. Both because users have a strong incentive to lock up
    the one ring and because it makes the user invisible. Of course the one
    ring does not like to be locked up so the stronger the lock in which
    you store it the more likely it is to jump to a different master.

    EXCALIBUR – Unique -
    Indestructible. Difficult to Counterfeit.

    is the only item that can cut through an impenetrable lock, destroying
    it. It can also destroy any gift that is not unique. Holding excalibur
    radically increases your reputation.  You can only hold excalibur if
    you have a sufficiently high benevolence score and sufficiently low
    notoriety score. If your notoriety increases too much or your
    benevolence decreases too much  a message will appear in your profile
    saying something like “You have been found unworthy. The Lady of the
    Lake has taken back Excalibur from you. “

    Similarly you get
    Excalibur when it is randomly bestowed upon a user with high enough
    benevolence rating. As you might expect a message appears saying “The
    Lady of The Lake has bestowed upon you the great sword Excalibur. Guard
    it well.”

    If Excalibur is stolen from you. Your reputation will suffer greatly.


    get the idea. The thing that would make this application the most fun
    would be coming up with new and unique ways to have the items interact
    with each other and with the community. So that the game becomes sort
    of an exploration of the gift world. The key is that there has to be a
    LOT of weird stuff that happens. Unexpected stuff. So that it’s like
    finding easter eggs in the application every day. And you can also send
    unique messages through this application. Messages you can’t send using
    a normal gifting app. More evil messages to be sure, but also just more
    interesting messages.

    Here are just some random examples of weird stuff that could happen.

    say yesterday a set of PET gifts are released.  So you have stylized
    images of cats and dogs that people can give to one another.

    1.  Matt gives Mindy a pet dog gift. He personalizes it so that the
    dog’s name Fido appears on the collar of the image. Mindy absolutely
    loves the gift. So she locks it in a Strong Lock Box and displays it
    prominently on her profile.

    Then every day for the next few
    days, on Mindy’s profile she gets a message that says “Fido whines
    pathetically.” She doesn’t know what is wrong so she gives Fido a dog
    treat gift she received earlier from a friend. The message appears
    “Fido cheerfully eats the treat and licks Mindy appreciatively.” Mindy
    thinks the problem is solved. But the next day the whining and barking

    Little does Mindy know at the same time all of her
    friends who have the application are getting a message on their news
    feed too. It says something like “You hear the whining of a poor
    trapped animal? Will you save it?”

    Eventually Mindy’s friend
    John can’t take it any more. He uses his Ninja suit and uses his thief
    picks to steal Fido from Mindy secretly. John gets a boost to his
    reputation and benevolence and with no increase to his notoriety. A
    message appears on his profile. “Fido wags his tail and barks
    appreciatively! You rescued him!”

    John quickly regifts Fido to
    another friend who he knows doesn’t know Mindy in order to ensure that
    she doesn’t find out about his theft.

    Scenario 2.  Beth
    gives Linda a stylized cat gift that she thinks is cute. She names it
    Tom. Linda can’t believe that Beth would do such a thing! She’s
    allergic to cats and absolutely *hates* cats. So she takes her knife
    and chooses to destroy the cat gift. The message appears “Linda cuts
    open Tom with her knife, spilling its entrails upon the ground.” The
    image changes to cat lying dead on the ground with a knife sticking out
    of it.  Still not satisfied. Linda decides to use her flint and steal
    on Tom too. The message appears: “Linda cooks up Tom’s remains over a
    fire creating a delicious cat treat.”  The image changes to something
    like an image of something resembling cooked meat.

    Beth receives
    a notification that she has received a new gift. She checks her profile
    and is horrified to find a image of cooked meat with a collar showing
    the name of Tom.The  unique caption Linda sent reads “I hate cats. But
    they sure taste delicious!”

    It’s possible Linda has other issues with Beth than just her dislike of cats. =)

    3.  Jenny gives Michael a gift of a little pet dog image that she
    thinks really suits him. She even names it Michael. Michael just thinks
    Jenny is annoying and really doesn’t like the dog very much at all and
    absolutely hates that it was named after him. His friends make fun of
    him as a result. And he wants to get rid ofthe pet. So first he
    secretly tries to regift the dog Michael to one of his other friends.

    He’s shocked when the next day he gets a message. “Michael was lonely and returned to his true master.”  WTF!

    tries a couple more times but the dog Michael keeps coming back.
    Michael has some sort of affinity for Michael. Michael, the person,
    starts to get frustrated. Finally he decides the only option is to take
    Michael out.

    Only Michael doesn’t have a knife or any gift
    that is useful for killing a pet Dog.   He first tries the only gift he
    has. A bouquet of flowers!

    “Michael hits his pet Michael over the head with a bouquet of flowers!   Michael barks playfully and licks Michael cheerfully.”

    That didn’t work!  OK. No other option. Michael chooses to destroy his
    gift Michael with his bare hands and dispose of it quietly.  Only he

    “Michael lunges at his pet and tries to strangle it!  Michael dodges and runs away in terror back to Jenny’s arms.”

    Uhoh! Now not only does Jenny know that Michael didn’t like her gift but also she knows that Michael tried to kill it!

    See? It can be all kinds of crazy stuff like this. It would be so much
    fun just trying different things and seeing what happens. And just as
    much fun inventing different crazy scenarios to throw wrenches into
    people’s expectations of how a gifting application should work. Anyway,
    I’m sure you can all think of clever new gift ideas that would make
    this application a lot of fun. The key would be putting in so much that
    people are kept perpetually entertained to the point that they look
    forward to each new set of gift releases.

    I really think
    something like this could end up being a really popular facebook
    application. And it would be big fun both to make and use. Do you
    agree? Would you use an application like this?

    A better and more catchy name might be a better choice. Any ideas? 
    Anyway, that’s that.

    Your general opinions are much appreciated. Feel free to pass this idea along.

  • Confidence and Insecurity

    Being confident is not at all related to insecurity. It’s a mistake to think that insecurity means a lack of confidence or that because you are confident that you are secure.  These two concepts just aren’t connected in such a simple way.

    The difference is that Confidence is outwardly directed whereas Insecurity is inwardly directed.  Confidence is what we project to others based on, ordinarily, our rational beliefs about our capacities or skills. If I am confident that I am an awesome programmer, than you will notice it by the way in which I carry myself when engaging in programming tasks. I will act as if I know what I am doing. I will talk comfortably about programming as if it is easy and normal for me to speak in this way about programming.

    But that doesn’t mean I can’t be insecure about it too.

    Insecurity is about how you imagine or fear that others perceive you. Even if I think myself an awesome programmer I could always feel this deep seated fear that everyone I interact with is laughing at what they see as my piss poor programming skills. I might wonder and doubt that I am capable of convincing people that I am actually good at what I do. And I might even fear that the perspectives of others is in fact the real truth and that I am simply mistaken about my rational assessment of my skills.

    The opposite scenario can also hold. I could have no confidence in my ability say to be a good writer, but I might be ok with that. It might not bother me at all what others are thinking about my writing and I may spend not a lick of energy worrying about whether I can convince anyone that my writing is worthy of their respect. In such a situation I’m secure in my knowledge of my writing skills being exactly what they are. I’m just not confident in them. I wouldn’t put them up to any test or anything because I’d really believe that they just aren’t good enough to succeed. It doesn’t bother me. That’s just my rational judgment.

    You’ll meet lots of people who are overwhelmingly confident outwardly but really deeply insecure in all walks of life. You’ll also meet people who lack confidence in their ability but are not all insecure about it.

    This is just the way of the world I guess.

  • PostSecret

    I was in the book store. I saw this little slip of paper. It said:

    “You are invited to anonymously contribute a
    secret to a group art project. Your secret can be
    a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, confession or
    childhood humiliation. Reveal anything– as
    long as it is true and you have never shared it
    with anyone before.

    Take a postcard or two.
    Tell your secret anonymously on the back.
    Stamp and mail the postcard.

    Be Brief — the fewer words the better.
    Be legible — use big, clear, and bold lettering.
    Be creative — let the postcard be your canvas.

    Here’s the website for this project:

    What a fascinating project. I definitely think there is something beneficial to people to share secrets in a controlled environment where there can be no negative consequences to sharing them. It sort of makes you feel better to know that it isn’t just your burden to bear all by yourself and with nobody ever knowing about it.

    Reading other peoples secrets is beneficial too. It makes us feel less alone to know that so many other people out there have secrets like these.

    But I don’t think I’ll be mailing in any secrets. Maybe some day but not now. I’m not sure what my secrets would be? I think the secrets I have are things I can’t put into words easily. They are more insubstantial than that.

    And I sort of feel like I’d rather tell someone my secrets one day which would invalidate those secrets from the postsecret project.

    Still I think it is a wonderful idea.

  • Year in Review – My Away Messages

    It’s been a long year I think. Lots has happened. Too much maybe. I wanted to go back and rethink all the things that had happened this past year to look back at how I’ve felt and how I’ve changed so that I might be better prepared for the future.

    But my memory sucks.

    I have my blog entries but they are remarkably useless. I spent so much energy and effort into writing them and they all mattered so much to me at the time, but I’m surprised at how little in the way of my old memories they invoke. Plus they are a pain in the butt to read. It takes forever.

    But I found something else I can use to sort of give a snapshot look at the year that has gone past. This past year I’ve been keeping a log of my away messages or trying to. I use gtalk primarily for my IMs (and gaim and skype and msn and yahoo occasionally – why can’t everybody be on the same damn network?!?). As far as I know gtalk doesn’t archive my away messages but it lets you put whatever you want really easily. So I tend to put something there that reflects my thoughts or experiences at the time. And I like to put weird and clever stuff or at least stuff that I think is clever. I also like to use it to sort of send messages to people who I know. Not important messages, just random stuff. 

    Anyway, since gtalk doesn’t archive them or I don’t know how to pull up the archive if it does, I started to keep my own log. Unfortunately I only started this half-way through the year and I think I lost a lot of the really good ones from earlier in the year. Still I found it interesting enough in review and it was a good way to look back at the past year and see what happened in a quick and easy to read format.

    So I thought I’d share it. The list that I have so far. I’ll probably keep a list for next year too. Maybe I’ll make this sort of a yearly ritual for me.  BTW if I reused an away message on this list it appears only once. So it isn’t exactly chronological, but it’s pretty close.

    Here goes my list:

    • there’s nothing like killing monsters and level building to take one’s mind off of the world’s problems
    • reading crazy things while listening to crazier things
    • lost in thought
    • in a strange land
    • listing little likenesses in linear lightstreams
    • only the inhuman fail to fear the future, only the witless fail to fear the past
    • which is better – watching and waiting, or acting and reacting? Maybe the best is sleeping and waking up
    • if i had exactly three days for every one day everybody else had, everything would be perfect…
    • i am the greatest procrastinator in the world and nobody better ever forget that!
    • dealing with blocks and stones and worse than senseless things…
    • who turned ‘escalate’ into a bad word?
    • i feel naked without something clever written here
    • if i could travel through an infinite number of dimensions I think I’d still just stay in this one…
    • all my energy is lost… come back you!
    • wasting time endlessly…
    • off to buy a phone
    • skyping with the traveler
    • “another day, another dollar”
    • searching for universal peace
    • writing (unimportant)
    • writing (semi-important)
    • writing (trivial)
    • trickery and trust may well be two sides of the same coin
    • and if it was wrong for years and nobody cared…
    • .why is it immature to play video games at work but not immature to have a limbo contest at work?
    • My RL fortune today: “You will have a pleasant trip”
    • and so it was
    • fully materialized yet again
    • “i live to serve you”
    • koders vs krugle vs google/codesearch
    • i wanna go home!
    • walking
    • writing (journal)
    • waking up sleeping
    • an
      estimate is by definition when one intends to complete something cast
      as lie about when one is capable of completing something since nobody
      knows the later until it is completed
    • security is just an excuse to give developers a hard time
    • off to see ratatoiulle finally
    • is everyone nicer than they appear or do they try to appear nicer than they are?
    • goodbyes are so annoying
    • anger, sadness, fear, regret, doubt,
      hypocrisy, and shame may well be as much or more virtues as loyalty,
      courage, temperance, selflessness, justice, love, and wisdom.  Let us
      not forget to exercise them.
    • the only nightmare worse than knowing what people really think about you is not knowing what people really think about you
    • not exactly lost in a land that is not exactly all that strange
    • wondering why i never noticed how disturbed the world is
    • magic meandering moths made mystic motorcycles more morbid
    • the thing about living on a sphere is that the faster you run away from something the faster you end up running toward it
    • the
      most common mistake of the clever (or those that think that they are
      clever) is to over-intellectualize their problems and the problems of
      others. Believe me. I know.
    • some things I think if I am damned if I do them but sainted if I don’t,
      I’d still do them just because I have to know what the consequences are.
    • if i could meet my ten year old self, i’d smack him upside the head so hard i might accidentally decapitate him
    • crab cakes
    • “It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”
    • good old lectures
    • “From
      yesterday to today and from today to tomorrow, realite marchez on” 
    • with all the billions of people in the world, is it the case that at
      any given moment someone somewhere is having the exact same thought I
      am? If not, how many people would you need to have for that to be the
    • “some are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them”
    • practice test 1
    • score 1… ass
    • hammer < bat < chainsaw < katana
    • rich dad, poor dad, scam artist son?
    • huh, i stink at magic now
    • practice test 2
    • score 2… ass, but not quite as bad ass.
    • it’s so strange that we are so finite
    • my post got featured, that’s insane. people are crazy
    • i’m considering the gasoline canister and match approach to packing. ugh this is such a pain.
    • fun, fun, fun, 2.7 mile walk, $117
    • just pushed the ROB button
    • not even half way ready for the future. Time to turn back time. Where’d I put that time machine.
    • silly trials have ended now will the new journey truly begin?
    • Life is so sad sometimes. I’ll fix that. <casting spell> 1…2…3… EVERYBODY CHEER UP!! There. That’s better.
    • rapid rancid rabbits ran rampantly rousing raking rams
    • 1000000 STRONG!
    • Beowulf 3D!
    • if
      you hear someone shouting “somebody help me!” in the night, is it wrong
      to stop and grab your glasses and cell phone before running out?
    • BestBuy is full of BoneHeads
    • hooking up my free tivo
    • Looking for Inspiration
    • Wishing for Motivation
    • Back in Lord Penn’s Kingdom not so very far away from where those creatures known as swatties are said to dwell
    • formality and ceremony
    • someone
      said “you look really uncomfortable”. I thought I looked like I always
      look. So the question is, do I always look uncomfortable?
    • back to life, back to reality, and back to sleeping too
    • “it’s just a thought, only a thought…”
    • I GET IT already Goodkind! Richard = Good. Jagang = Bad. No need to repeat it every other f-ing page!
    • there’s a fine line between giving it your all and overexerting
      yourself, but usually when you are about to collapse is a good sign
      that you may have crossed that line…
    • time flows like a river and history repeats
    • white fire flows from the heavens and the earth is scorched to icy ash
    • agile amethyst argyles argued amongst amateur ardent augers
    • if you believe that everybody dies alone, then you have to believe
      the corollary that nobody is ever *not* alone. I think that’s crap.
    • one of my fondest childhood memories is lying in bed watching the story
      unfold as my brother played through an rpg. Sometimes games are more
      than “just” games to people.
    • trying to try through trials has yielded trouble so maybe trying without trying to try will prevail over travails
    • off to asian grocery store
    • i wonder what it would feel like to be in a real fight and get my ass kicked, maybe it would be fun
    • free batteries!
    • even though i’ve got plenty of batteries now, I still feel as if I’ve got no energy
    • mysteries abound
    • trying to acquire command and conquer 3….
    • my xbox360 ATE my Halo3!!!
    • shit, now my xbox360 won’t play any games… RMA time
    • WTF! My console is outside of manufacturer warranty!?!?!?
    • maybe I’ll switch to PS3 afterall…
    • why do i feel so tired on days when i haven’t done anything
    • project for awesome, i love weird stuff like this
    • who would have thought that I could play guitar hero and rock band type games so much that I would start to dream about them
    • i’m thinking about going giftless this xmas, instead i’ll pick a random date and give everybody gifts on that day
    • sometimes i feel as if I went to sleep too soon, other times I feel as if I should never have gotten up
    • “success depends on those matters over which you have control, not matters where you have no control”
    • Christmas eve is kinda boring these days. must be cuz i’m old now.
    • People are too indirect for me. I just don’t get them.
    • merry consumerism day!
    • holiday spirit? why would you have to wait until the holiday to have a spirit?
    • no mater how many times I try it is impossible to defeat Air Man!
    • it was a silly holiday but I love it anyway and thank god it’s over
    • de,md,pa – i’m tired of these three states
    • ever wonder when people are talking about you?
    • back in Bethesda, with packs, ready to game!
    • home, home on the couch
    • i am legend! – look at the butterfly
    • sometimes i wonder if one’s fate for an entire year could be determined by the first few days of it
    • it’s strange the far reaching consequences of a single deception
    • holidays are finally over, disaster averted, the world didn’t end, the
      universe kept on plotting along. Here’s to a new and better future for
      all of us!

    There. That’s all I have logged. I’m sure I lost a lot just forgetting to write them down but even that selection brings back a lot of memories and gives me a lot to think about.

    Oh well, here’s to the future!